Snow Removal Operations

DU is committed to the safety of its students, faculty, 和 staff. Should a major snow storm or other weather-related emergency occur, procedures are in place to determine whether the University will remain open for business as usual, whether classes 和 other activities will be delayed, or if the University will be closed. Each snowstorm has its own unique characteristics depending on the time of year, intensity of the storm, type 和 depth of snow, 和 other variable conditions.

Areas will be cleared of snow in a set order of priority, designed to provide maximum access to campus facilities. Routes to 和 from Centennial Towers on the north end of campus, along with routes to 和 from all academic 和 administrative buildings on the south end of campus, will receive the highest priority.

After the main access points are under control, snow removal crews will focus on widening paths, clearing minor pathways, 盐人行道, removing ice build-up, 和, in case of heavy accumulation, removing snow banks in parking lots to storage sites. These operations may last several days after the cessation of the storm.


Check out this map showing which routes around campus will be prioritized 和 cleared first in the event of heavy snowfall.


After-Hours Activation of the Snow Removal Plan

If snowfall is occurring after normal work hours, including on weekends or holidays, the snow plan will be activated as described below.

  • 一级 – No strong forecast for significant snow. 校园 安全 will call the Grounds Foreman when the hard surfaces accumulate one inch of snow.
  • 两个水平 – There is a strong forecast for overnight snow. The Grounds Foreman will determine by 1:00 p.m. at what time the plan will be activated the next morning, 和 shall inform the snow crew of when they need to report for duty.
  • 三个水平 – Conditions are bad enough that resources in addition to the regular snow crew are needed to keep the campus open. The Director of Facilities Management or designee will then call in additional personnel 和/or resources as appropriate.



Facilities Service Center