
We are a service-oriented Department with staff on-duty and ready to help 24 hours a day, 一周7天,一年365天. 熟悉我们的分支, staff and Organizational Chart so that you know who to contact in a time of need.


支持服务 spearheads our crime prevention efforts by providing community outreach and training opportunities. We also coordinate with 巡逻操作 and the Denver Police to facilitate and participate in ongoing investigations.

  • 迈克·霍尔特指挥官

    Mike Holt is the Commander of 校园安全 and currently leads support services with includes community outreach, 为部门进行调查和培训.  Mike is a member of the Crisis Assessment Risk Evaluation (CARE) and Faculty Staff Support Network (FSSN) teams. Mike has a strong interest and belief in helping people and has dedicated his professional and personal life to doing so.

    Mike’s interests are jazz, and other performing arts, travel and his 5 pound Yorkie Missy. 迈克放弃了与普林斯见面的机会(是的, THE Prince) to meet and talk with members of Prince’s horn section who were and still are some of his musical heroes.

    Mike has assisted in the security planning of campus visits of Presidents Clinton and Obama, 副总统拜登, 国务卿奥尔布赖特和赖斯, 美国参议员贝内特和罗姆尼, 最高法院法官, 索托马约尔和斯卡利亚, 联合国秘书长潘基文, 达利喇嘛, Desmond Tutu and several of the former and current mayors and governors Denver and Colorado.

    Mike is a US Air Force Veteran and was awarded the 正规赌博十大平台排行 Spirit award for outstanding service to the university community.




我们的巡逻行动职责包括, 但不限于, 接收和接听援助电话, 信息传播, 校园的主动巡逻, 安全走, special event staffing and direction to external services.

  • 道格·海斯蒂船长

    Doug Hasty is a Captain overseeing patrol operations and investigations for the Department. 他在这个部门工作了20年.  His most memorable moments working here is the day he was able to meet and shake the hand of the 14th Dalai Lama. 

    He is married and with his wife he is raising our four kids in a blended family that he is very proud of, 两个男孩和两个女孩.   

    Shortly after high school his first job was working as a summer seasonal wildland fire fighter for the Carlsbad Caverns National Park. After that he studied in Criminal Justice for three years at NMSU while minoring in History.


Office of 应急准备 and Communications Center

The Department's Communications Center offers first-line assistance for anyone on campus. 我们的通讯技术人员监控闭路电视, 入侵报警系统, 911年监测, c固化系统监测, 校园安全主任的无线电通讯, all Emergency notifications to the community and handle all emergency and non-emergency calls.

我们协调所有必要的建设活动, 维持和提高我们的能力,以减轻, 为......准备, respond to and recover from threatened or actual natural and man-made disasters.


  • 杰夫·辛普森上尉

    Jeff Simpson is a Captain overseeing emergency preparedness and fire safety. He is responsible for emergency planning at the university which includes regular training and drills, while also supervising the 校园安全 Communications Center. 他不断敦促学生们注册杜警报.

    Something interesting people don’t know about Jeff: He was born in Okinawa Japan and taught himself how to play the piano.

    Jeff started working at the 正规赌博十大平台排行 in 2007 and left in 2013 to work at the Community College of Aurora as the Director of Security. Jeff Came back to DU in 2016 and has been in his current position since.

    Jeff holds a master’s degree in emergency management from the 正规赌博十大平台排行.


The 合规和行政办公室is responsible for the University’s obligations under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime 统计数据 (Clery Act) and the 校园安全 Department’s accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA).

Clery and Compliance also manages the 校园安全 Department’s written directive development and publication, which ensures each directive aligns with the University’s policies, applicable laws and standards set by the CALEA accreditation program. Our primary goal is to ensure compliance and provide guidance to the Department in its mission to promote transparency, 问责制, 专业, 包容与诚信.

  • 马克Derham

    马克Derham是律师和合规协调员. Mark is responsible for 校园安全’s Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) accreditation and the University’s compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act. 在正规赌博十大平台排行开始之前, 他在金市警察局工作了十年.

    When not working on regulatory compliance for the University, 马克喜欢和他的两个孩子在一起, 夏天攀岩和打高尔夫球, 冬天去滑雪. Mark can often be found climbing at Movement Englewood, so be sure to say hello if you see him there.
